52 thoughts is a weekly post featuring some of the messy and honest thoughts running through Rosario's mind. From serious issues, to lighthearted whimsical thoughts, each post is unique and thoughtfully crafted.

This isn't a beauty or makeup blog, but today I am admitting my honest and ardent love for blush, and showing off a couple of my absolute favourites!
A couple of years ago, my Mum gifted me an adorable set of makeup. Everything was packaged in matching pastel pink polka dot design and came in a bustier shaped bag (pretty amazing, am I right!?) And within that bag was my first blush. My first blush that I probably only used once, before casting it aside, because 1) I didn’t know how to apply blush properly and 2) Honestly, I was scared of being seen with badly applied makup. I didn’t want to try because I knew I’d have to go through the phase of getting to grips with applying it, and then wearing the unsightly results on my face. So I never wore blush, and stuck to simply foundation.
Fast forward a couple of years and I’m gifted another blush, but this time I use it more than once. I find some inspiration on Pinterest and YouTube, carefully apply it to my cheeks, and decide, ‘hey this doesn’t look half bad,’ and never look back. I’ve literally fallen so in love with blush, it’s become a makeup essential; If I’m wearing makeup, you can 100% bet I’m wearing blush, and probably a lot of it. Putting pink glittery stuff on my cheeks just makes me look and feel amazing. I stopped caring about applying makeup 'correctly' and decided that if I think I look cute, then I look cute.

My first love
This is the blush I fell in love with. Love at First Blush by Soap & Glory. It’s quite lightly pigmented but you can build it up. But my absolute favourite thing about this blush, is its highlighting qualities. It’s like blush that doubles up as a highlight and makes my cheeks look all glowy and radiant. It’s quite glittery, but I’m firmly in camp ‘wear glitter all day everyday’ to the extent that my everyday eyeliner is of the glittery metallic kind, needless to say, I adore the glitter. There’s just something about a super pink, glittery, and glowing cheek that makes me want to check myself out in every reflective surface available. It makes me feel all girly and lovely inside.

An old friend
After realising my mistake in so hastily casting blush aside, I dug out the only other blush I owned - that pretty little polka dotted one, which shares it's case with a bronzer. I’m aware that using old makeup is very questionable (very bad and never encouraged) but the pigmentation on this thing is amazing. What this blush can do in one stroke, it takes the soap and glory blush five strokes to achieve. I love it so much and pretty much use it every day. And to think that I once cast it aside...
I also purchased a blush from The Body Shop, hoping the pigmentation could rival my much adored polka dot blush, but sadly that was not the case (still a nice blush though, just have to build the colour up!) If you have any recommendations for any strongly pigmented blushes, I implore you to leave a comment! Thus, my journey into the world of blush continues.
I've had a lot of fun writing this post, especially as it’s a topic I’ve never really delved into before. I feel like I’ve gained a little insight into the charm of beauty blogging! Who knows. maybe I’ll write about my infatuation with winged eyeliner next!?
How do you guys feel about blush?
Do you love it? Hate it? Have no real feelings towards it? Let me know!
& please, please, please, leave some recommendations for very pigmented blushes!
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