Buffy the Vampire Slayer is without a dobut my favorite TV show. It's been such a is a huge part of my life, imbued with nostalgia, childhood memories and just a general feeling of happiness. To me it's a timeless tv show, I'll probably still be re-watching Buffy until old and grey and love it just as much as I did when I was younger. Over the years I've accumulated a lot of Buffy related merch and I thought it'd be fun to share my collection! Plus a good excuse to get all my old merch out and reminisce.
First up I have this Buffy Flannel, which I've never used and now don't want to break that cycle.I think I bought it from ebay around the time I was first allowed to go on the internet (makes me feel old.) I also have x2 Buffy Postcards and a Cordelia Postcard. Fun fact: Cordelia was one of my favourite Buffy characters, I seemed to overlook the fact that she was pretty mean, but I really admired her confidence and sass!
I'm pretty sure this Buffy mug came with an easter egg my parents bought me! It has a photo of Buffy and the quote 'I have a strategy, you're not in it' on the other side. The quote is said by Buffy to Wesley when he's interfering with her slaying! I've had the mug in storage for absolutely ages but I've just started using it for my makeup brushes. Yay for usefulness!
Also pictured is a witch pez. If you're a Buffy fan you might remember Oz gifting Willow a witch pez dispenser in season three. It's not the same one but it's similar and reminded me of that episode, so obviously I bought it! .I think I actually bought it whilst on a day trip to France during my Primary school days. You can totally tell I was obssessed with Buffy to extent that even abroad, I scouted out something Buffy related to buy! I also remember buying a Buffy magazine (in french) because I thought it was cool and I was sure that one day I'd learn to speak French (spoiler: that day has yet to come!) I guess it was a Buffy filled school trip.
I''m sure this Buffy Tin also came with an Easter Egg. It's a really pretty purple and silver colour and really good quality so I've been using it for a good few years to store bits and pieces in. Plus, it makes great decoration!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds, PS2 game. This game is so much fun and is definitely one of my favourite games from my childhood! You get to play as a different character for each level, and I remember playing the multiplayer mode with my brother and sister all the time! I also have this Buffy pencil tin which I store my Buffy trading cards in. I was always too scared to store my everyday pens and pencils in it because I was so scared it might get scratched! (and still kind of worried so I keep it hidden and safe!)
Ah my DIY Buffy stickers. I was a crafty kid, and I was so obsessed with Buffy, I would literally cut out photos of anything to do with Buffy case from magazines, and make them into stickers with my trusty sticker maker (which I still have and use!) Not sure what I was planning on using them for but I still have them in my sticker book, and look fondly at them from time to time.
I literally have a folder just full of Buffy related clippings from magazines, packaging and random other Buffy related bits. Again, I'm not sure what I planned on using them for? Maybe just to horde!? I also have the packaging for a lost Buffy mouse mat and book light (r.i.p.)
ONTO the objects which were once my pride and joy. There used to be a Forbidden Planet in my town, and every time my Mum would take me and my sister into town, we insisted on going to Forbidden Planet. And in Forbidden Planet, I would fangirl over all the figurines. I absolutely adored them and remember always being so so excited to add to my little collection. Above are figurines of Willow and Tara (two in one pack!) & Anya (from the iconic musical episode!)
x2 Two Wesley figures
I'm honestly not sure why I have two figures of him, because I don't remember having any particular love for him? Looking back he was a pretty entertaining character though. I guess I was subconsciously secretly in love with him!?
Buffy Trading Cards & Half a pack of Top Trumps. Because I was so young, and didn't have the money to buy a lot of merch, I often ended up just buying a pack of trading cards (despite having no one but my sister to trade with.) I even got one of the special cards, with a piece of the coat Warren wore in the episode 'Seeing Red' I was pretty stoked about that.

Some things I know I have somewhere but couldn't find include: a Buffy bag made from purple velvet, a 12" figurine of Buffy and another of Oz, the Buffy Soundtracks 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Album' and 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Radio Sunnydale' as well as the 'Once More With Feeling' soundtrack. I also have a ton of Buffy magazines that I bought every time I visited WH Smith, and also the DVD box set! I distinctly remember being around the age of twelve and coming home, eating some food and then spending the evening watching a couple of episodes every day after school until I got through all seven seasons!
I have so many happy memories associated with Buffy and writing about all my merch and my strange but sweet childhood obsession with Buffy makes twenty one year old me happy.
I'd love to know if you had any childhood obsessions!?
or were a Buffy obsessed youth like me!??!
G O O D R E A D S // T W I T T E R // I N ST A G R A M // B L O G L O V I N'
or were a Buffy obsessed youth like me!??!
G O O D R E A D S // T W I T T E R // I N ST A G R A M // B L O G L O V I N'
I was obsessed with Buffy (and Angel) and still am! :D Such a amazing show(s)!
ReplyDeleteMy collection ain't as big as yours tho (mainly because Sweden...well it sucks to be a fangirl in Sweden haha) so I treasure my Spike figures etc xD
xo Kitten ♥ The Howling WolfHeart