the books i read in 2016

Saturday, 7 January 2017

In 2016 I read a total of 10 books, which is honestly quite a disappointing number. I've grown to adore reading and it feels like I've fallen out of love with literature this past year. 2016 was one of my worst reading years since I started tracking my reading, especially considering I read 33 the year before! I had a lot of trouble finishing books, especially as I was in my final year at University and it was pretty demanding, but it continued even after I graduated!? 2016 was definitely the year of unfinished books; I picked up so many but never managed to finish them. Not sure what happened, but I'm actively trying harder in 2017. The books I read in 2016 could easily be described as okay, so-so, wouldn’t mind if they were used as tinder in a zombie apocalypse. I liked them but didn’t find any new favourites. Here's is a quick round up of the books I did manage to finish.

Feed - M.T Anderson

I read this as suggested reading for University and it was okay. Feed is a dystopian novel set in a world where people have an internet feed implanted in their brain. It's what us internet people dream of, right!? It brings up some interesting points on consumerism and the role of media in our lives and society as a whole. It was quite a weird read but interesting.

The Destructors – Graham Greene

Another book I read for University. Or rather, a short story about a group of boys who destroy a house. That’s literally all that happens but there’s a lot of symbolism and hidden ideas throughout. Destruction as a form of creation is one I found particularly intriguing, and may have been the subject for my dissertation.

The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying - Marie Kondo

I’d seen this book floating around the internet and decided to pick it up. I found it quite an inspirational read, as Kondo explains in her step by step guide on how to tidy, and organise your living spaces, from which possessions to discard, down to the way you should fold your socks! Kondo explains her method of sorting through all your belongings, section by section, and discarding all those that do not spark joy in your heart. It definitely inspired me to consciously think about the purpose of my possessions and would recommend it if you’re trying to have a clear out.

#Girlboss - Sophia Amoruso

Another non-fiction books I saw all over the internet! It’s all about Amoruso’s experience with starting up her company NastyGal, with essentially nothing but the internet, a good eye for fashion, and hard work. It’s a very motivational read, even if her explanation for her success is simply a strong work and then accidentally becoming a millionaire.

ID - Emma Rios

ID is a graphic novel exploring identity in a dystopian setting. The story follows three characters getting ‘body transplants’ for various reasons. Although the story is quite short, we meet the characters as they meet each other, so it reflects their encounters with each other. It was interesting to think about the story this way, and your're forced to speculate as the plot is so short and not much is given away.

Saint Anything - Sarah Dessen

I read Dessen’s books during my early teen years so this was a trip to the land of nostalgia. A classic Dessen read, it wasn’t one of my absolute favourites, but it was an enjoyable.

The Old Nurse's Story - Elizabeth Gaskell & The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman

These are both short stories I  read over the summer. I should probably re-read because I can’t really remember what they were about, or my opinion on them.

Limbo - Dan Watters

Another graphic novel that really surprised me. It was a good combination of all the bits and pieces that make an entertaining read.  The story follows a detective who has lost his memory and gets pulled into a mystery bigger than his own whilst trying to recover them. The main character was a bit 'average white male protagonist' but other characters were fun and interesting to read about! Plus, I really liked the sparkling blue/purple tones used throughout, so pretty, retro and aesthetically pleasing.

Alice in Wonderland: Special Collectors Manga - Jun Abe

This is essentially a manga version of Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland film. I have to admit, I’m not the biggest fan of the original Alice in Wonderland book, but I did enjoy the film, so I gave this a read. It’s a quick and fun read and perfect for fans of all things Alice in Wonderland!

Despite my poor reading year, I still love books and reading. Maybe I just need  to figure out which books truly inspire and captivate me, figure out what I really want to read. I’m planning on re-reading the Harry Potter series at the start of 2017, which fills me with excitement and hopefully will kick-start a year of reading magical and inspiring books!

What was your favourite read in 2016? Feel free to leave some recommendations!

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