booktubeathon to be read list 2016!

Monday, 18 July 2016

This year, I've read about four whole books and started but not completed a countless number. Seriously, there have been so many. I miss reading and feeling enthusiastic about books, so I've decided to participate in the Booktubeathon!

The Booktubeathon, is a readathon with challenges, giveaways, twitter sprints and a whole load of other book related goodness, which celebrates books and discussing books on the internet (and also reading as much as possible in a week.) Ariel's video tells you everything you need to know, so check it out if you're interested because let's be honest, Ariel can explain it all better than me!

The readathon runs for a week, starting July 18th and runs to the 24th, and seems like the perfect way to inject some much needed reading into my life. Whilst I don't make booktube videos (or any videos for that matter... yet) I'm a pretty big fan of booktube and seeing all the TBR videos pop up has infected me with booktubeathon fever.

To make things interesting there are some reading challenges, which I of course, am going to try my best to complete. Challenge accepted as the memes would say.

The 2016 Reading Challenges:
1/ Read a book with yellow on the cover.
2/ Read a book only after sunset.
3/ Read a book you discovered through booktube.
4/ Read a book by one of your favourite authors.
5/ Read a book that is older than you.
6/ Read and watch a book-to-movie adaptation.
7/ Read seven books.

My very last minute to be read list for the booktubeathon! 

Cell by Stephen King
This was perhaps my only unread book with yellow on the cover and since it is a horror, what better time to read it than after sunset? Not entirely sure what this book entails, but it has something to do with zombies, and as a bit of a zombie fan, I'm super excited to read this!

Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
I remember seeing this series everywhere on booktube, and it definitely persuaded me to give it a chance. It's a young adult fantasy novel and apparently it's amazing!? Hope it lives up to the hype! Also, the author has pink hair. Pink hair you guys. 

Saint Anything by Sarah Dessen
I have been intending to read this book for about a year, so it's got to happen this week. I'm going to read it! Dessen was my fav author growing up so this definitely counts towards a book by one of my favourite authors! 

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
The hype around this book has died down a bit, so it's time for me to give it a read. I'm also planning on watching the movie adaptation. Don't hate me but I actually really enjoy book to movie adaptations... *hides under a fort of books*

Reasons To Stay Alive by Matt Haig
This book is everywhere. I've read The Humans by Haig and quite liked it so I figured why not give this one ago. I'm expecting a lot of honesty and I am very intrigued. 

The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
A Penguin Little Black Classic and short story with feminist undertones? Short and meaningful, what's not to like? 

The Old Nurse's Song by Elizabeth Gaskell 
I read North and South last year and absolutely loved it. This Penguin Little Black Classic is definitely older than me, and consists of two gothic fairy tales written in the 1800s. Short stories are definitely a reoccurring theme in this TBR, mostly to get me up to seven books, but also because I've really enjoyed short stories in the past, and they're a nice way to ease yourself back into reading.

And those are the seven books I'm going to be reading! To be honest, whilst I enjoy a challenge, I'm not sure how many books I'll manage to read. I'm graduating next week (eek) and then I have to get back to stressing out about jobs, and you know, figuring out what I'm going to do with my life. #graduateproblems I may not know what I'm doing with my life, but I do know what books I'll be reading next week! 

Are you partipating in the Booktubeathon, leave your TBR videos, posts, or simply a comment below! I love reading TBR posts! Or simply leave me a comment about the next book you're planning on reading! 

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