A solo trip to London

Friday, 17 June 2016

natural history museum london collage
52 thoughts is a weekly post featuring 52 of the many messy and honest thoughts running through Rosario's mind. 

Last week, I wanted to have a museum day. But everyone I invited was either too busy or had an some sort of excuse, so I went alone.  Sounds like a pretty normal response, right? Except, I am a very anxious person. Crowds and busy places make me nervous. Doing things alone makes me nervous. And combining the two had the potential to make me super nervous.  But I did it, and I am here to tell the celebratory tale!

As I don't live too far outside London, I'm fortunate enough to get there in about half an hour by train. On the journey, I read a bit of #girlboss, and enjoyed the the candid croons of The Front Bottoms. I hopped on the tube and headed for the Natural History Museum. ‘Hopped on the tube’ is perhaps too casual a statement, considering that I, in true anxious fashion, noted my entire journey in my phone before leaving home (because tube maps are confusing) That didn’t stop me though, as at some point during the day I got on the wrong tube; after about five stops I realised I was going in the wrong direction but somehow managed to successfully navigate my way back and survived!? I SURVIVED. I am a changed girl and have clearly become a master tube navigator. 

I perused the Natural History Museum like a serious academic, examining the tortoise section like a fangirl, and admiring the replicas, shells, and sea treasures from around the world. Then, of course, I spent far too long in the gift shop, mostly debating whether to buy an adorable animal plush. I think I was probably more enamoured by those toys than some of the kids there…. The penguins were too cute and there was a little rabbit that seemed to be calling my name. There was so much choice that I literally couldn’t make my mind up, and bought NOTHING. Obviously the sun had gotten to my head, but on the plus side, I still have the memories, and a couple of photos.

I then took a solo shopping trip to the Soho/Convent Garden area, and visited multiple comic and book stores, (Foyles, Waterstones, Gosh Comics, to name a few!) Forbidden Planet (who have a whole basement dedicated to books and comics!!) Urban Outfitters, American Apparel (where I gazed longingly at cute clothes I couldn't afford) and some cute little stationary shops. Walking everywhere, I was gripped with the freedom that comes with rolling solo. I could wander wherever, peruse whatever, do whatever, with no one to consult but myself. The plan was to get a vegan shake but it was getting pretty late, so I settled for a mind-blowingly amazing donut from Crosstown donuts and then headed home. While I admit to scoffing the donut way too fast on the train home, I did savour the taste of the coffee custard and the taste of a successful mission.  

(Also overcame any anxiety I had about eating alone in public because donuts are so messy to devour, especially when you are standing on a train and there is someone standing directly opposite you. Long hair don’t care though, the donut tasted amazing.)

When was the last time you had a day out on your own? Tell me all about it!
G O O D R E A D S // T W I T T E R  // I N ST A G R A M // B L O G L O V I N'

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