Title: Rat Queens Vol 2: The Far Reaching Tentacles of N'rygoth
Author: Kurtis J. Wiebe.
Publisher: Image Comics
Publication Date: 6th May 2015
Genre: Comics/Fantasy
Rating: ★★★★
This booze-soaked second volume of RAT QUEENS reveals a growing menace within the very walls of Palisade. And while Dee may have run from her past, the bloated, blood-feasting sky god N’rygoth never really lets his children stray too far.
Wow, what a follow up! Rat Queens Volume 2, collects
issues 6-10 and picks up light-heartedly after the celebratory party thrown in
issue 5. Following a blast from the past and the disappearance another
character, the Rat Queens undertake another epic adventure full of sass,
action, mushrooms, and the almost end of the world!
So much more is revealed about the characters in this
volume. The inclusion of flashbacks and back stories give us a glimpse at
Hannah, Violet, and Dee’s lives before joining the Rat Queens. The characters
are even more developed and distinct which makes them all the more enjoyable to
read about. Despite seeming a little disjointed and confusing at first, the
flashbacks are cleverly woven into the story and add more depth and intrigue to
the characters. Dee however, is still shrouded with some mystery, although
the exploration of her faith (or lack of) was done well in this volume.
Violet’s back story was particularly interesting. One detail
I loved was Violet adding a dash of eye liner after suiting up in her armour. We
find out more about Violet’s family and her relationship with them. It is both
very amusing and captured in a way that is very reflective of real and genuine family
relationships anddynamics. Another aspect I really appreciated was Violet’s
appropriate slaying whilst dealing with inappropriate comments from creepy old men
(slay, violet, slay!)
Plot wise, the story is quite formulaic and typical of
questing style plots. However, multiple character’s personal histories and
interests are entwined with the main plot and villain’s scheme, in an
interesting way. The formulaic nature of the plot does not detract from the overall
enjoyment of this volume, as the Rat Queens retain their sassy sense of humour and
distinctive personalities. It does not take long to re-familiarise yourself
with the characters and they really are the force which makes
this series so entertaining to read. Additionally, the continuing ‘Gary’ jokes never
fail to amuse.
The art style has changed slightly with the switching of
the illustrator, but it still retains a similar style. The lines and especially
the noses are a lot sharper and pointier than before but overall, it is a small
change and does not detract from the enjoyment of the story.
I really enjoyed this volume. The characters are
diverse, complex and all round awesome which really makes reading Rat Queens so
enjoyable. Rat Queens combines complex female characters with a brilliant sense
of friendship and humour in an action packed fantasy world. This second volume
definitely lives up to expectations.
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